
Mental Health Helpline For Wales

Community Advice & Listening Line

Offering a confidential listening and support service


0800 132 737

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  • Mon:

    WHEN NO MANAGER IS ON DUTY: Police Information Request There may be occasions when there is a life or death situation, or there is a danger to the public, whereby the Police may request immediate access to information without the appropriate approval being provided first. Under these circumstances it would be justified to provide whatever information you can if you have spoken to the person concerned or have been made aware of the caller during the handover. YOU MUST take a number (not a mobile number) and a name of the person requesting information and then immediately call them back. We have to be sure that it is the Police calling and this will enable you to verify that the person is genuine. We are not able to provide access to the call recording when there is no manager on duty. The SA3 should still be produced retrospectively. WHEN A MANAGER IS ON DUTY: Police information Request The above applies if the matter is urgent. If the police do ask for more information; please pass this request onto a manager as they would be the only ones with access to call logs and recordings. If we have a Request from emergency services for more information about a call; details such as the recording, the log, transcripts etc, then we are to inform them that they would need to fill in the SA3 form; details below; Under Section 29 of the Data Protection Act there is an exemption to allow sharing of information without consent for: a) The prevention and detection of crime b) The apprehension or prosecution of offenders However the Health Board is still required to justify this sharing and to do this there is an Information Sharing Agreement in place with the Police. As part of this agreement they have their own form called “SA3” which they must present to us when requesting the information. This form must be signed by a rank of Sergeant or above, and should provide the justification for release of the information, which should fall into category a) or b) above.

  • If you need more information on this agency or other agencies offering a similar service, please phone CALL Helpline on 0800 132 737.