
Mental Health Helpline For Wales

Community Advice & Listening Line

Offering a confidential listening and support service


0800 132 737

What is the Call Helpline

CALL Helpline is the all Wales mental health helpline.
It provides emotional support to anyone living in wales.
The helpline operators provide a listening ear to anyone wanting support with their mental health.

CALL Helpline is available 24/7 to anyone phoning from Wales.
CALL is also a bilingual service, meaning callers can choose to speak to the helpline operator in either Welsh or English.

CALL also offers a service through Language Line, which allows a caller to speak to the Helpline Operator in their language of choice.

What will happen once you dial the CALL helpline number?

A Helpline Operator will answer your call with “CALL helpline, how can I help?”
You will then need to tell the operator what you want to discuss.
The Helpline Operator will provide listening support.
The aim of the Operator is to try and help, by listening if you want to talk about an issue or problem that is affecting you or someone you know, giving general advice, signposting or sending out literature.
If you are calling the helpline for the wrong reasons, (e.g. wanting to have a ‘chat’, phoning to pass the time, seeking information about the diagnostic process, seeking individual advice and coping strategies, or phoning to ask for specific advice on a subject that the operators have no training on) the call will be brought to a close. Equally the call will be brought to a close if you enter into an argument with or give verbal abuse to the operator

Who will you speak to when your call is answered?

You will speak to a trained Helpline Operator. The Helpline Operator is trained to be able to help by listening, advising, signposting, or sending you literature (usually self-help booklets or service information booklets)

Subjects that Helpline Operators have had training in include:-

How do we support Neurodivergent people?

The CALL Helpline has recently received training on a range of neurodivergent conditions and how to adapt our practice. We are therefore able to extend our service to provide a non judgemental listening ear to neurodivergent individuals, their families and carers. This includes the parents of neurodivergent children. You do not need to have a formal diagnosis in order to access the CALL Helpline, you may already be on a waiting list for diagnosis or you may think you, your child, or loved one may have a neurodivergent condition.

The operators can also provide service information on local or national services across Wales such as community mental health teams, the National Autism Team, Integrated Autism Services, Children’s Neurodevelopmental Services, substance misuse teams, financial services, legal services etc. CALL helpline team can also send out literature on a range of different subjects, free In the post.

Neurodivergence support via the C.A.L.L. Helpline Wales


You can contact CALL on 0800 132737

*Texts to this service may be charged at your network standard rate.