
Mental Health Helpline For Wales

Community Advice & Listening Line

Offering a confidential listening and support service


0800 132 737


Helpline Questionnaire

This questionnaire is anonymous; we do not ask for any personal information on the form. The information collected will be used to collect statistics on how effective the helpline has been in providing callers with the information or support they requested.

General Information
Please tell us where you found out about the helpline service? For example, which person/organisation/service gave you the number or if you obtained it for yourself from the Internet or Yellow Pages.
Where you able to get through to the helpline on your first attempt?
If, when you called, the service was busy and you were held in a queue, did you:-
Leave a message on the answer machine:
Hang up and redial:
About your experience of using the service
Did the helpline provide you with the support that you needed?
 Not sure
Was the helpline operator polite and helpful when dealing with your call?
How would you rate the service that you received overall?
 Very Satisfactory
 Extremely Poor
Has contacting the helpline for emotional support, information or leaflets improved your ability to cope with your problems?
 Not sure
Were you calling for yourself or on behalf of someone else?
 Someone Else
Do you feel you were given enough time to talk through your difficulties?
 Not sure
Do you feel that the person who answered your call understood your problems?
 Not sure
Information we sent to you
Did you understand the information that was sent to you?
 Not sure
Was the information you received useful and relevant?
 Not sure
Do you feel more able to cope with your problems/difficulties as a result of reading the information?
 Not sure
About the service we offer
Do you have any compliments / complaints about the service you received?